Water on mold surfaces can impact production in several negative fashions, from reduced product quality and cycle rates to mold maintenance problems. All result in increased operation cost. ARID-Dry desiccant dehumidifiers solve these problems by injecting dry air into the molding area or in some cases the entire process room. By keeping the environment around the mold dry, operators are free to optimize coolant temperatures. The lower the mold temperature, the faster the product cools. This results in faster cycle times and more product per operation cycle.

Desiccant Dehumidification for Plastic Production

Plastics Injection Manufacturer
This plastics manufacturer uses blow molding machines to provide various plastic bottles for OEM customers. The blow molds are supplied with chilled water to cool the hot plastic as it is expanded in to the mold. If the humidity is not controlled, fog and condensation will affect product flow rate and quality.

  Desiccant Dehumidification for Plastic Production

Dehumidification Unit
Climate by Design International (CDI) designed an ARID-Dry desiccant dehumidification system to condition air surrounding the blow molds. This unit provides a total airflow of 15,000 SCFM with a moisture removal rate of 1,157 lbs/hr during summer months.
Click here for ARID-Dry "Energy Choices for Plastic Processing" article.

Desiccant Dehumidification for Plastic Production

Plastics Injection Manufacturer
Individual mold enclosures with dry air supplied with desiccant dehumidifier central system with chilled water precooling.

Desiccant Dehumidification for Plastic Production

Dehumidification Unit
This unit provides 10,000 SCFM to eight blow-mold machines, providing 20°F dewpoint air to protect 28°F molds from condensation.